
Stroke – High cost to society – 1 trillion USD*

* by 2030 the cost of stroke to the global economy will be over US$1 trillion.

600 000 people a year suffer from subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)

  • 2-5% of the adult population have vascular malformations at risk of rupture - the symptoms of SAH appear late, making diagnosis and treatment difficult.
  • Life-threatening type of stroke caused by bleeding into the space surrounding the brain.

30–50% of sufferers die shortly after becoming ill

The average age of onset of SAH is 40-50 years.

Many suffer from lifelong disabilities, causing great suffering for the individual.

High cost to society owing to the younger age of those affected (average 49 years).

High treatment costs: 200-300 TEUR per patient.

SAH - A well-defined demand and high willingness to pay

* Based on 65 000 patients in EU+JP (10 KUSD) and 50 000 patients in US (20 KUSD)